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Fight For It

Fight For It

Here’s the thing, I started to struggle with the idea of being happy. There are days when I feel, no matter how hard I try, I will never get there. I understand life is not perfect and difficult days will happen but we all have the ability to turn our lives around, no matter what circumstances we have been given.

It is easy to sit back and watch as our world, burns down in flames. It is harder to pick ourselves up and rebuild from the damage. We make the excuse of something being impossible and sometimes this is true but we can find another way to fix the situation we are in.

There are many goals I want to accomplish but I often use self-doubt, as my crutch. I am very capable but fear is a funny thing. We allow fear in and it often plays the biggest factor, into our decision making. In order to obtain the things we want in life, we are going to have to go after them. There is no way around it.

Fear plays a role in every aspect of our lives, from career, love and anything worth fighting for. I have been faced with decisions, I let fear stop me from following. And in return, I let go of missed opportunities I would have been able to enjoy, had I taken a chance.

Change can be so scary but when good things, people and opportunities enter, fight for them. No one received everything they wanted, from sitting back and wishing for it. Find what is important to you and fight like hell for it.

Black And White

Black And White

8 Years Good

8 Years Good