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Black And White

Black And White


I once told someone, I was starting to be content with my life. She responded with, “that sounds sad.” The thing is, it’s not. 

I’ve spent my life in black and white, never finding the grey areas. I’ve never allowed myself, to live in the in between. I had to live in black or white, there was no other option. When you live this way, you don’t allow yourself to be who you are. Everything in my life needs to be one way or another. 

I am starting to become comfortable in life. What I mean by this is, I am learning to be okay in the grey areas of life. I stopped defining everything I am by one option. 

I am one person, made up of many things. I have always been labeled by the current topic, my life centered around. My sexuality, my mental health and so on. Who I am, is made up of many components. I am a writer, a photographer, reader and adventurer. I love being with my friends, making people laugh, making people happy and knowing I made a difference in someone else’s life. 

All of these things, are part of who I am but not one of them, defines who I am; they all do. I have the potential to grow and change, at any time. Sometimes when we label ourselves, we stop our ability to grow as individuals because we believe in the barriers, we have been defined as. 

Finding middle ground, is considered comfortable to me. Although I think being comfortable, in some cases, can stop us from reaching our full potential, I don’t believe this applies to my situation. 

When you spent your life, chasing after the wrong people and opportunities because you thought that was what you were supposed to do, finding peace in the comfortable, can heal you in ways you didn’t know was possible.

The grey areas, allow me to be everything I am. I am not defined by one thing. Living in black and white, you are either this or that. Allowing the grey areas to exist, you are able to just be. Being in between, helps me understand the grey areas do exist, in a black and white world.

Why does everything need to be in black and white? When you fall in love, you can be logical but your emotions don’t always allow you to be because love is not always simple; neither is life. We can continue to live in black and white or we can step outside the lines and let the grey inside. 

Letting Go And Moving On

Letting Go And Moving On

Fight For It

Fight For It