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Be Picky With Your Time

Be Picky With Your Time


Time, is a funny thing. We receive so much, yet we struggle to use it wisely. Every day we allow time to slip through our fingers, as we contemplate the minutes ticking away on the clock.

We wake up, go to work, sleep and repeat. It’s a never-ending cycle, yet we feel so entitled to time. We are given 24 hours in a day and when we fail to use our time to accomplish goals, spend time with loved ones or enjoy our favorite activities, we suddenly want more.

We go to college to start a career, to pay for the loans we accumulated for the degree we needed to get a job. I don’t even know if people dream anymore. I don’t think they could afford too. So, with that being said, think about how much time you waste in a day.

I go to work for 8 hours, come home to get more work or chores done, to only repeat myself the following day. On the weekends, I tend to catch up on everything I pushed off during the week. I have been so busy making a living, I forgot to enjoy my life.

I forgot time is only temporary and we don’t know how long we will be here. We forget about our dreams and ambitions because we are focused on trying to make a living. In the process, we have forgotten the most important part. We only receive so much time on this earth, so why aren’t we spending it with the people we love and the things we enjoy?

All I want to do is write. I live, breathe and love everything about it. I have been trying to sit down and finally write some type of book. I have a million ideas, yet I haven’t successfully finished one. I started a couple but haven’t had the time to really work on them.

That’s a lie. I have time; I choose to spend my time differently. I can get up earlier for work and write. I could write during lunch or after work. I can dedicate one hour a day to writing. The possibilities are endless.

It is about being picky with your time and placing the hours you do have, within the things and people you love. Take the time to go on a hike, during the weekend. Take a half hour out of your day, to call a family member and see how they are. Write that book you have been pushing off for months. Go to dinner with your friends, you haven’t seen in a while.

Make time for the things that are important to you. One day, you might wake up and they won’t be there. You will have missed your chance to live a life you would have been proud of and you will have missed your chance to live.

My grandfather is turning 90 years old, in two days. He is a man who doesn’t want a gift but simply a homemade card and your time. It doesn’t sound like too much to ask for, yet this task seems too hard to fit into the weekly schedule. Time is not timeless. We don’t get to save the extra hours for another day or get a redo. This is it. So, how do you want to spend your time? Choose wisely.

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