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When You Reach The Top

When You Reach The Top


Imagine staring up at a mountain. You haven’t workout in a little bit, you had bronchitis for a month and you are nowhere close to being in shape. You begin to climb the mountain, stopping 5 minutes in. You are already struggling but you carry on. You keep going, until you stop again, a couple minutes later. You continue to do this, until you reach the top of the mountain, to only find out you haven’t quite reached it. When you reach the top, you see you have to go down the mountain, you just climbed and back up another one. You have the option to keep going or to turn around.  You don’t want to give up, when you have come so close to reaching the true top of this mountain.

So, your out of shape self, laughs and cries a little, as you begin to walk down the hill. You get to the bottom of the mountain and thank God, for solid ground. You continue to walk, until you reach the bottom of the second mountain. You take a deep breath and pray to God, he helps get your ass up this hill. As you just about reach the top, you feel like giving up but you are so close. You take a drink of water and haul yourself up the hill.

When you reach the top, you are breathless. Not because of how out of shape you are. Not because you are surprised you made it up the mountain in the first place but because you see it. Not the incredible view in front of you. Not the view where the sun is setting, over the golden touched mountains but because of her. You lay eyes, on the person who has changed the way you see the world forever.

You made it to the top of the mountain, when you wanted to give up and turn around, so many times. But when you reach the top, to see them standing there with a smile on their face, everything you just went through, was more than worth it.

How do you know? Because when you look at them, they will feel like home. No matter where that is in the world. All that matters, is they are there with you when you end your journey. When you reach the top of your mountain, who do you want standing right beside you?

We go through many challenges and changes in life but at the end of the day, I love the idea of sharing a life with someone. Much like climbing that mountain, relationships go through many highs and lows. What makes those relationships strong, is your ability to keep fighting and moving up the mountain, even when you get tired or feel like you can’t. Allowing yourself to stop for a minute, take a breath and reevaluate what to do next.

Life is hard but its way better having someone to go through each day and night with. You can’t always be so logical when it comes to love. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and believe everything will work out. Every day is not going to be easy and at times, you will feel you are way over your head but being able to see that view with someone by your side, it just makes everything worth it. It makes being in a world that can be so hardened, a little bit softer.

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