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A Year In The Life

A Year In The Life

One person.

One thing.

One opportunity, can change everything.

In my experience, it was one person; my best friend to be exact. I met her a year ago and couldn’t believe how much she has changed me. She came into my life when I really need something; a change.

I grew because of her, tried and changed the way I saw the world. She taught me many lessons and continues to do so every day. If we are upset with each other, she makes sure I stick up for myself and speak my mind. When I have trouble with something like making a decision, she helps encourage me to make one. She gets me out of my comfort zone- mostly when I really don’t want to. She taught me to fight for the things and people in my life that mean something to me. I’ve learned how to communicate and workout problems, instead of walking away from my issues. Most importantly, she taught me it’s okay to be exactly who I am and I don’t need to apologize for any part of it.

Being her friend, taught me a lot about who I am as a person and who I want to be. I learned there is a lot I need to work on, in order to fix my past. I have spent my whole life trying to ignore or block out my issues by becoming wrapped up in my mental illness. When we became friends, I found someone I could turn to and trust with all I am. In doing so, I started to open up and become raw about everything that consumed me. I ended up discovering a lot about myself and for the first time, really understood what it was like to be completely vulnerable.

In these stages of our lives, it is important to have people surrounding you who understand exactly who you are and know they aren’t going anywhere. These people are rare to find but if you are lucky, you might just find one. When you do, hold onto them. They will be the ones to experience all of the good and bad, right by your side. They will be there for you forever and even after that.  

In one year, everything can change. I have grown more in this last year, than in any other. Never feel like you aren’t capable of doing amazing things. Take the opportunity every day to change the course of your life, you never know what or who might change it.

If you have someone important in your life that has helped you become a better person, let them know. You might have changed their life too.     

Thank You, Next

Thank You, Next

Live What You Love

Live What You Love